The Secret to Having Long, Healthy Hair on Your Wedding Day

Learn how to eat your way to strong, healthy bridal-worthy hair.

If you struggle with breakage, split ends, or your hair just won't grow, chances are a quick change in your diet will do wonders for the health of your hair, allowing it to be full, strong, and long on your wedding day.

Photo: Katie Shuler Photography

Once you become engaged, chances are, you'll start to immediately think of your wedding day. While you're busy planning the perfect table settings and flower arrangements, don't forget to also think about yourself. Will you wear your hair up or down? Do you want long, healthy hair on the big day? If you struggle with breakage, split ends, or your hair just won't grow, chances are a quick change in your diet will do wonders for the health of your hair, allowing it to be full, strong, and long on your wedding day.

Carla Rivas, hairstylist and co-founder of Hair La Vie (an all-natural hair growth vitamin), shared her bridal beauty tips with Inside Weddings, weighing in on how to achieve beautiful, healthy hair by eating right. "Any foods that would make you breakout, such as those filled with sugars or grease, are going to cause a build-up on your scalp that will affect how your hair feels, looks, and grows," she shares. "Anything that irritates your skin will bother your scalp."

Rivas says that by kicking out a few foods and incorporating some nutrient-rich foods into your diet, you can make all the difference in the feel and appearance of your hair. Since adding length to your hair the natural way will take awhile longer than applying hair extensions, be sure to implement these dietary changes as soon as possible. Once you do, we're sure you'll feel more radiant and be ready to walk down the aisle with a head of healthy, full hair. Take a look at Carla's tips below, which highlight the DON'Ts (think junk food) and the DOs (think nutrient-rich foods like fruits and vegetables) of eating right for beautiful bridal hair in time for your wedding day:

Foods to Avoid If You Want Long, Healthy Hair:

1. Sweet Treats

Pastel cupcakes and white rock candy

Sugary foods, such as your favorite candies or cupcakes, cause your insulin level to rise, which also causes an increase in androgen (a male hormone) in your body. This hormone is known for causing hair follicles to shrink or become irritated, which leads to hair thinning and hair loss. Photos by Milton Photography & Jasmine Star Photography

2. Greasy Foods

Wedding snacks french fries on wood tray

Greasy foods can cause more secretion on the scalp. Whether you are aware of it or not, many people touch their face and hair after eating greasy foods – without washing their hands. This can cause acne, as well as damage hair. To have a healthy head of hair, your scalp needs to be debris-free. Photo by Chrisman Studios

3. Salty Snacks

Wedding favor box with salty snacks

Consuming a lot of salty meals and snacks – such as chips and canned or frozen meals – will dry out your hair, leaving it weak, lifeless, and suseptible to breaking. Photo by Justine Ungaro

4. Filler Foods (with Low Protein)

Plate of pasta at wedding reception

Starches, which are found in pasta and cereal, can be low in protein, leaving your hair limp and unhealthy. Without a healthy dose of protein, the bounce and shine that most women strive for with their hair will not be possible. Photo by Robert Evans Studios

5. Sugary Drinks

Cucumber water and sugar cocktail drinks

Drinks with lots of sugar are pointless. They're empty calories that are going to mess with your blood sugar and insulin levels. An increase causes irritation in your hair follicles... so, skip the sugar and grab a nice, refreshing water instead. Photo by Callaway Gable

Foods to Eat If You Want Long, Healthy Hair:

1. Eggs

Egg and gold dinosaur in nest at wedding

Eggs contain the protein, zinc, and iron that your body – and hair – needs. The benefits of zinc include promotion of cell reproduction, tissue growth, and repair of broken tissues. Zinc also maintains the oil-secreting glands attached to hair follicles, thus decreasing their chances of falling out. Photo by Heather Kincaid

2. Tomatoes

Cherry tomato on skewer on top of soup shot

Tomatoes have many antioxidants that aid in scalp circulation. A healthy scalp leads to healthy and happy hair. Add tomatoes into a salad or mix into your favorite dish for a pop of color –and tons of flavor. Photo by Paul Barnett Photographer

3. Greek Yogurt

Yogurt and raspberries in shot glass wedding dessert

Greek yogurt is a great source of protein, vitamin B5, and vitamin D. Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) keeps the scalp clean and free from film and debris, which keeps hair follicles from becoming iritated. Add fruit, nuts, and granola to yogurt for an energizing midday snack that promotes healthy, strong hair growth. Photo by Bob & Dawn Davis Photography

4. Lean Protein

Grilled salmon on bed of risotto wedding dinner

Opt for healthy, lean protein sources like grilled chicken or baked salmon. Since your hair is made of protein, it will benefit from eating lean proteins. If your diet lacks protein, your body will ration the protein left, which leads to hair loss. Protein also has the iron you'll need to achieve healthier, more beautiful hair. Photo by Mischa Photography

5. Pumpkin Seeds

Miniature pumpkin with soup in center wedding

Let your love of all things pumpkin fly free because pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of vitamin E and zinc. Zinc helps to promote cell repair and production, which will help maintain healthy hair follicles. Photo by Artisan Events

Be inspired to eat right in order to have long, beautiful hair by scrolling through our wedding beauty photo gallery or by following our Wedding Hair Inspiration board on Pinterest!