To give past, present, and future brides a peek into the day-to-day activities of these design houses, the creator of renowned bridal line Isabelle Armstrong has begun filming a new short show.
When brides set off to find their dream dress, very rarely do they consider everything that went into designing each gown they try on. Bridal design houses work tirelessly to create fresh and chic ensembles for each new wave of women getting engaged. Some curious customers may do extra research on the designers that they love, but few get to delve deeper into the world of conceptualizing and making wedding dresses. To give past, present, and future brides a peek into the day-to-day activities of these design houses, the creator of renowned bridal line Isabelle Armstrong has begun filming a new short show: Dress Boss.
This new series explores the life of Isabelle Armstrong’s CEO and Creative Director, Remy Quinones, as well as the lives of the key players in the company. You’ll see gorgeous new gowns, get extra information on how these designs come to be, and see a glimpse into what makes a design house tick. In this pilot episode, Remy introduces her audience to her brand through a photo shoot. Many topics of conversation – including the merits of big bows and the presence of tumbleweeds – add to the fun atmosphere of the show. Watch the episode below!