The Most Creative Way to Display Roses in Your Bouquet

Meet the gorgeous glamelia bouquet, made of romantic rose petals!

The Most Creative Way to Display Roses in Your Bouquet

Photo: Jay Lawrence Goldman Photography

pink glamelia

Single-variety bouquets of roses are classically beautiful, elegant, and are perhaps the best representation of romance. But for some brides, rose bouquets can be just a bit too traditional. For a creative take on the time-honored rose bouquet, consider a stylish glamelia arrangement!

To form a glamelia bouquet, individual petals are plucked from the flowers and arranged to build one giant bloom. These "composite" bouquets can be formed with any number of flower types, but the thick, velvety-smooth rose petal is particularly well-suited to this sculpted style. Petals are wired into place around a single bloom, with a few leaves and stems added underneath to finish off the bouquet in order to give it a natural look.

Glamelia bouquets offer tons of opportunities for customization. Top the arrangement with stephanotis blossoms dotted with rhinestones (like the bouquet below) or pearls; or, create an ombré effect with layers of petals in different shades of the same hue. You can also place a jeweled pin in the middle of the bouquet!

Choose your favorite variety of rose and get creative! What do you think of this unique style of bouquet?

Glamelia bouquet with stephanotis and rhinestones

Photo by Callaway Gable

White rose glamelia wedding bouquet

Photo by Aaron Delesie Photographer

Learn more about the most popular wedding bouquet styles and discover unique accessories to add to your bouquet that aren't flowers. Looking for something different? Check out the prettiest peony bouquets or these classic, white bridal bouquets.

Opening photo by Marianne Lozano